Donor Tool for TLYCS

Donor Tool for TLYCS

Application to aggregate donor information for the non-profit The Life You Can Save

November 2019

Project Overview

The Life You Can Save (TLYCS) is a non-profit organization founded by Peter Singer, curating a group of nonprofits that save or improve the most lives per dollar. This application was developed to help TLYCS efficiently manage and analyze their large donor database.


  1. Data Aggregation: Combines donor information from various sources (individual, monthly, and other types of donations)
  2. Filtering: Allows user to filter donor information based on various criteria
  3. Analysis: Aggregates data based on total donation amounts
  4. Outreach Support: Facilitates efficient use of donor information for outreach and appreciation purposes

Technical Implementation

  • Built using Python with Tkinter for the GUI
  • Chosen for its ability to easily build native applications for both Mac and Windows

Future Improvements

  • Migrate to a web-based application for easier updates and cross-platform compatibility
  • Implement data visualization features for better insights
  • Add automated reporting functionality

About The Life You Can Save

The Life You Can Save is dedicated to improving the effectiveness of charitable giving. Check out their website to learn more about their mission and the charities they recommend.